Check out these photos from Charlie Farrar - Welcome to Dunson Mill Village
Look closely at The Varsity picture: no women! There was an unwritten rule
that "girls" didn't go inside! When The Varsity published a book about itself
on their 75th anniversary, several years ago, the current owner, Nancy Gordy
was asked why girls didn't go inside. She said she
remembered that "rule", but no one really knows why. Her guess is that when The
Varisty first opened, it was a combination pool hall, barber shop, and
restaurant; women didn't go into a pool hall or barbershop in the 1920's, and
that may have been the original reason which carried over for many years.
Another Varsity phenomenon that appears in the photo is that customers didn't
form lines the way we do now. What may have caused customers to form lines is
the advent of other fast-food restaurants such as McDonald's where everyone did
form a line!
Peachtree Arcade would today be called an "enclosed mall". It was an amazing
place which was torn down long before Atlanta realized it was important to save
historic places.
Lakewood Fair Grounds also known as Southeastern
Fair Grounds - early 1940s
Inside The Krystal, Lee Street West End 1958 |