have been put in the mail. If you didn't get yours, just download
from this site and send it in as soon as you can. Just click on the
Reunion Details tab on the left to get to registration form and to see
what all has been planned.
committee members have been added and their contact email and phone
numbers have been updated on the Committee Members tab. Note
contact info has been changed for Ann Cleveland Money and Sybil
Yarbrough Brown. Feel free
to contact them if you have input for the reunion.
If you know of anyone that was not at the reunion and have contact
information that you would like to have verified in our database,
contact me at so I can update their information or add
them to the database.
03/27/2016 -
After a long break Charlie now finally back to writing his "Two Cents Worth" stories.
Charlie's Ramblings
for the latest of Charlie Farrar's anecdotal stories that he writes for
the newspapers in Texas.
Would you like to order Charlie's book
"Two Cents Worth" about life at Dunson and beyond? To do so, just
send $10 to Charlie Farrar, 4110 Copper Creek Drive, Baytown, TX
77521-3082. If you would like it autographed and a personal
message, indicate that as well in your request. Let's support the
Home Boy!!!
List has been updated. Feel free to send spouse birthdays as well.
Send your birthday to and I will post it
to the website for friends to wish you a Happy Birthday. (See link
on left) -Updated 10/28/14.
7/24/2017 - The
In Memoriam page has updated
but I have a few names that I don't have the date the passed away.
If you can review and let me know, I would appreciate it and will
update. If I have failed to
list your loved ones, send me an email at
and I will get them added before this year's event. Names are now
listed in alphabetical order and grouped in list that will make it
easier for you to find the names.