About Dunson Mill


About Dunson Mill
Reunion Details
Photo Albums
In Memoriam
Video Clips
Committee Members
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Monthly Birthdays


The website was created to provide a central location for all past and current residents of the Dunson Mill Village to have updated information and share memories of their life in the community.  To see a Dunson Mills Timeline, click here.   

Dunson Cotton Mills was chartered November 19, 1910 and opened for operations in 1911. Local investors were Joseph H. Dunson, Edgar H. Dunson, Sanford H. Dunson, Jr.; Walker Sanford Dunson; Otis A. Dunson; Ashton H. Cary; William E. Morgan; Wiley A. Reeves; John M. Barnard; P. H. Hutchinson; F. M. Longley; R. O. Pharr; and Thomas J. Thornton, II. For many years, this was the largest textile plant in Georgia and manufactured mostly industrial fabrics. The mill facility was doubled in 1923. In 1952, Pepperell Manufacturing Company bought Dunson Mills, the sale becoming final in 1953. Dunson Mills provided a kindergarten and school, playgrounds, recreation facilities (pools and ball fields), and two churches for their village as well as softball teams, music, dance, and art programs. The first Dunson School was built in 1913 and merged with the LaGrange City System in 1920 when city limits were extended to include Dunson Mill Village. A new building was erected in 1938. The pool, ball field, grandstands, and parking area were donated to the City of LaGrange.

In 1965, West Point Manufacturing merged with Pepperell and both Dixie and Dunson Mills became part of the new corporation, West Point-Pepperell. Dixie Mill closed in 1985-86 but re-opened in 1988. In 1993, West Point-Pepperell bought out J. P. Stevens and became WestPoint Stevens, which announced the permanent closing of both mills in 2004.

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This site was last updated 12/04/08